Looking for ways to boost your immune health? Certain vitamins and minerals can help support your immune system and allow your body to ward off infections. Here’s a quick run-through of some of the most important ones that could make all the difference.

Vitamin A: This vitamin is an essential micronutrient that your body needs for a normal immune response . It also helps with growth, cellular differentiation, and reproduction, and is needed for good eyesight and maintaining cellular health.

Vitamin B-complex: These water-soluble vitamins are required for a host of different metabolic processes in the body. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)  is known to be important for immune health. Vitamin B9(folic acid) and Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) are needed to maintain the right balance in your body’s immune system. A deficiency of these can impair your immune response greatly.

Vitamin C: An antioxidant vitamin, vitamin C helps with wound healing as well as with the maintenance of healthy bones, skin, cartilage, and teeth. It is believed to play an important role in overall support for your immune system, making it one of the most well-known vitamins to boost immune system health.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a key role in immune response and not having adequate levels in the body could make you more vulnerable to developing bone problems. It may also increase your tendency to catch infections.

Vitamin E: A very effective regulator of the immune system, this fat-soluble vitamin is a potent antioxidant.

Calcium: Calcium signals in the body are important for maintaining the delicate balance of the immune system. This micronutrient is needed to ensure your body reacts appropriately, altering responses down or up, as needed.

Magnesium: Magnesium is essential for immune system strength. Involved in 300+ biochemical reactions, it also supports normal nerve and muscle function.

Zinc: Zinc has a key role in the immune system and also acts as an antioxidant. Those deficient in this mineral tend to be more vulnerable to a host of infections.

Immune-Boosting Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement

The easiest way to ensure you get all the immune-boosting vitamins and minerals your body needs is to supplement a healthy balanced diet with a daily multivitamin.  The Maxirich Multivitamin mineral capsule contains 14 of the most important vitamins and minerals to give an antioxidant-packed immune-supporting punch to your day! These capsules contain nutrients that help support not just immunity but also normal nerve and muscle function, release energy, ease fatigue, and even protect your bones.

Work on building your immunity with regular exercise and nutritious food; let Maxirich Multivitamins & Minerals power-up your lifestyle. With these changes to your routine, you should be better able to fight off infections and keep up your immune health.

Get started on building your immunity today! Maxirich capsules are easily available at online pharmacies as well as neighbourhood chemist shops. A simple way to get to that bigger goal.

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